Tag Archives: moving in the right direction

Goodbye 26!

31 Oct

So it’s my birthday! Whooo! I am now 27.  eek. That’s “late twenties” territory.

Okay so I started this blog shortly before turning 26, with the intent to make 26 the year I turn into a badass. Do I feel like I succeeded? In a way, yes. I made very big changes this year. It took me about 6 months after turning 26 before I really cleaned up my act…but it happened. I feel like I’ve taken control. I’ve lost an estimated 70 lbs. I haven’t been this fit since high school probably. I’ve worked hard, and put in a lot of time at the gym.

I know I’ve got a lot more road to travel before I reach my goal weight, or feel like I’ve finished the task of getting healthy. But the fact that I’m moving in the right direction, and that I’ve traveled quite a ways already, makes me feel OKAY about turning 27.

Looking back, 26 was a pretty good year for me. I spent a few months house-sitting by myself, giving me a taste of what living alone feels like. I learned to cook nutritious foods for myself. I started lifting weights and got back into swimming. I pushed myself to get out and meet new people (which I still need to do more of). I even went on a few psuedo-dates. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of change in my life in these last 6 months… and I think 27 will continue to be a year of transition.

In the coming year, I’m hoping to reach my goal weight, make strides at work (and possibly research/explore new opportunities), and try to put myself out there a little more. I’d like to try to put a little more focus on my social life… or just working on putting myself out there. I feel like the dedication I have to the gym sorta gets in the way of getting out and meeting people sometimes. I’m thinking about moving work-outs to the morning before work, but that sounds pretty terrible. I am so not a morning person. But people change… I know I did this year.

So here’s to 27. I feel optimistic… and that’s a good feeling.